Step Two
New Team Registration
So you have completed your individual registration form and now have your very own HBUK ID number.
After completing this form you will receive an HBUK Team ID number. you only need to complete this form once as your Team ID number will never change.
Each element you are registering needs to have their own HBUK ID number. If you only know two of the elements you are registering then follow the form instructions to register a 'Stand-In' Element.
Make sure you know what colours you would like your team to be and any imagery you are having on your race tops.
This form has an admin fee of £25.

Step One
Individual Registration
To be involved in Horseboarding you have to have what is known as an HBUK ID number.
To receive your HBUK ID number please follow the link to the right and complete the individual registration form.
This form is completely free and you only need to complete this form once as your HBUK ID number will never change!

Volunteer Registration
Anyone who is onsite during a competition or event must be registered on the HBUK data base.
If you wish to be apart of this fast growing extreme equine sport in a none competitive manner then please fill in our volunteer registration form and join the revolution today!

Step Three
Annual Team Declaration
This form has a £15 admin fee.
This form must be completed once a year before the beginning of each season. The team declaration form (ATD) declares what your three main team elements are for the coming season.
To complete this form you need all HBUK ID numbers for the individual elements in your team and your HBUK Team ID number.
Once your team have entered a race in the current season they are declared for, you may not make any changes to your team that would conflict with the Two Element rule.